Last close on 26 Jul 2024 - No trades as at 27 Jul 2024
(15 mins delayed)
5 734c       Volume Traded -
Value Traded -
Last close (26 Jul 2024): 5 734c Previous Close (Thu 25 Jul) 5 780c
Move: -46c (-0.80%) Dividend Per Share 148c
Day's High - Dividend Yield 5.28
Day's Low - Earnings Per Share 407
Best Bid - Earnings Yield 7.09
Best Bid Volume - Price/Earnings 14.10
Best Offer - Year's High 8 010c
Best Offer Volume - Year's Low 5 400c
Number of Trades -

Closing price data source: JSE Ltd. All other statistics calculated by ProfileData. Powered by ProfileData
Last close on 26 Jul 2024 - No trades as at 27 Jul 2024
(15 mins delayed)
5 734c
Last close (26 Jul 2024): 5 734c
Move: -46c (-0.80%)
Day's High -
Day's Low -

Best Bid -
Best Bid Volume -
Best Offer -
Best Offer Volume -
Number of Trades -
Volume Traded -
Value Traded -

Previous Close (Thu 25 Jul) 5 780c
Dividend Per Share 148c
Dividend Yield 5.28
Earnings Per Share 407
Earnings Yield 7.09
Price/Earnings 14.10
Year's High 8 010c
Year's Low 5 400c

Powered by ProfileData