STEINHOFF INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED - SHFF : Steinhoff Investments: Dividend To Preference Shareholders |
21 February 2020 16:00 |
SHFF : Steinhoff Investments: Dividend To Preference Shareholders:
Steinhoff Investment Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration Number 1954/001893/06
ISIN: ZAE000068367
("Steinhoff Investments" or "the Company")
The board of directors of the Company has declared a gross dividend of 416.90753 cents per
share, payable on Monday 30 March 2020 in respect of the period 1 July 2019 to 31 December
2019 ("the Preference Dividend" ), payable to the shareholders, recorded in the books of the
Company at the close of business on Friday 27 March 2020, of the 15 000 000 cumulative,
non-redeemable, non-participating, variable rate preference shares issued by the Company
("the Preference Shares").
At the date of declaration there were 15 000 000 (Fifteen million) Preference Shares in issue.
The Preference Dividend will be payable in the currency of South Africa and will be subject to
a local dividend tax rate of 20%. This will result in a net dividend of 333.52602 cents per
Preference Share, unless the Preference Shareholder is exempt from dividend tax or is entitled
to a reduced rate in terms of an applicable double-tax agreement. Steinhoff Investments'
income tax reference number is 9375/046/71/2.
Salient dates: 2020
Last date to trade cum dividend: Tuesday, 24 March
Shares trade ex-dividend: Wednesday, 25 March
Record date: Friday, 27 March
Payment date: Monday, 30 March
Share certificates may not be dematerialised or re-materialised between Wednesday 25
March 2020 and Friday 27 March 2020, both days inclusive.
21 February 2020
On behalf of the board of directors
H Sonn: Non-executive director
LJ du Preez: Executive director
Sponsor: PSG Capital
Date: 21-02-2020 04:00:00
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