Spur - Reviewed Results for the year ended 30 June
14 September 2006 12:00
Spur - Reviewed Results for the year ended 30 June 2006 and capital distribution
Spur Corporation Limited                                                        
(Registration number 1998/000828/06)                                            
Share code: SUR                                                                 
ISIN: ZAE000022653                                                              
REVIEWED RESULTS                                                                
For the year ended 30 June 2006                                                 
Key PERFORMANCE Indicators                                                      
*    Operating profit +17%                                                      
*    Headline earnings per share +19%                                           
ABRIDGED INCOME STATEMENT                                                       
Reviewed     Audited restated                
                                 year ended           year ended          %     
                                 30/06/2006           30/06/2005     Change     
Revenue                             182 692              200 632      (8.9)     
Operating profit                     77 441               66 100       17.2     
Net interest received                 4 007                4 823                
Loss from associate companies         (253)                 (80)                
Profit before taxation               81 195               70 843       14.6     
Taxation                           (23 528)             (20 114)                
Profit for the year                  57 667               50 729       13.7     
Attributable to:                                                                
Equity holders of the parent         57 989               50 645       14.5     
Minority interests                    (322)                   84                
RECONCILIATION OF HEADLINE                                                      
Earnings attributable to equity                                                 
holders of the parent                57 989               50 645                
Headline earnings adjustment:                                                   
Profit on sale of property,                                                     
plant and equipment                    (18)                (422)                
Headline earnings                    57 971               50 223       15.4     
Shares in issue (000"s) (Note 1)     88 156               88 156                
Weighted average number of                                                      
shares in issue (000"s)              88 156               90 783                
Earnings per share (cents)            65.78                55.79       17.9     
Diluted earnings per share                                                      
(cents)                               65.12                55.79       16.7     
Headline earnings per share                                                     
(cents)                               65.76                55.32       18.9     
Diluted headline earnings per                                                   
share (cents)                         65.10                55.32       17.7     
Distribution per share (cents)        47.00                40.00       17.5     
Net asset value per share (cents)    411.36               381.81        7.7     
ABRIDGED BALANCE SHEET                                                          
Reviewed year ended     Audited restated     
                                            30/06/2006           year ended     
Non-current assets                             346 849              330 636     
- Property, plant and equipment                 37 612               27 100     
- Intangibles                                  271 865              271 865     
- Interest in associate companies               11 258                6 678     
- Loans receivable                              14 791               11 940     
- Deferred taxation assets                      11 323               13 053     
Current assets                                  92 707               77 328     
- Inventory                                      2 232                5 024     
- Trade and other receivables                   39 493               26 660     
- Loans receivable                               2 449                1 420     
- Cash and cash equivalents                     45 689               41 637     
- Taxation                                       2 844                2 587     
TOTAL ASSETS                                   439 556              407 964     
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Capital and reserves                           362 640              336 591     
- Ordinary share capital                             1                    1     
- Share premium (net of treasury                                                
shares)                                         82 239              119 265     
- Accumulated profit                           258 875              200 886     
- Share-based payments reserve                  16 313               14 809     
- Minority shareholders                                                         
(deficit)/interest                               (238)                   84     
- Foreign currency translation                                                  
reserve                                          5 450                1 546     
Non-current liabilities                                                         
- Deferred taxation liabilities                 37 939               32 570     
Current liabilities                             38 977               38 803     
- Trade and other payables                      18 220               19 565     
- Loans payable                                  9 023                5 036     
- Shareholders for distribution                    372                  213     
- Bank overdraft                                 4 801                1 934     
- Taxation                                       6 561               12 055     
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                   439 556              407 964     
ABRIDGED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                         
                                                 Share capital                  
& premium                  
                                              (net of treasury                  
                                    Notes              shares)     Reserves     
Balance at 1 July 2004                                                          
- as previously stated                                 183 295            -     
IFRS adjustments                                                                
Trademark adjustment                    2                                       
Property, plant and equipment           3                                       
Deferred taxation                       4                                       
Restated balance at 1 July 2004                        183 295            -     
Attributable earnings                                                           
- as previously stated                                                          
IFRS adjustments                                                      2 298     
Foreign currency translation            5                             1 546     
Property, plant and equipment           3                                       
Deferred taxation                       4                                       
Share-based payments                    6                               752     
Attributable earnings - restated                                                
Other adjustment                                                                
Deferred taxation                       7                            14 057     
Minority interests                                                              
Taxation charged to equity                                                      
Distributions                                         (32 654)                  
Shares repurchased                                    (31 375)                  
Restated balance at 30 June 2005                       119 266       16 355     
Attributable earnings for the year                                              
Distributions                                        (37 026 )                  
Share-based payments                                                  1 504     
Foreign currency translation                                          3 904     
Minority interests                                                              
Balance at 30 June 2006                                 82 240       21 763     
                                             profit & minority                  
                                                     interests        Total     
Balance at 1 July 2004                                                          
- as previously stated                                (44 688)      138 607     
IFRS adjustments                                       196 614      196 614     
Trademark adjustment                                   263 391      263 391     
Property, plant and equipment                              825          825     
Deferred taxation                                     (67 602)     (67 602)     
Restated balance at 1 July 2004                        151 926      335 221     
Attributable earnings                                                           
- as previously stated                                  51 922       51 922     
IFRS adjustments                                       (1 277)        1 021     
Foreign currency translation                           (1 493)           53     
Property, plant and equipment                               40           40     
Deferred taxation                                          928          928     
Share-based payments                                     (752)            -     
Attributable earnings - restated                        50 645                  
Other adjustment                                                                
Deferred taxation                                                    14 057     
Minority interests                                          84           84     
Taxation charged to equity                             (1 685)      (1 685)     
Distributions                                                      (32 654)     
Shares repurchased                                                 (31 375)     
Restated balance at 30 June 2005                       200 970      336 591     
Attributable earnings for the year                      57 989       57 989     
Distributions                                                      (37 026)     
Share-based payments                                                  1 504     
Foreign currency translation                                          3 904     
Minority interests                                       (322)        (322)     
Balance at 30 June 2006                                258 637      362 640     
ABRIDGED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                    
                                   Reviewed year ended     Audited restated     
                                            30/06/2006           year ended     
Cash generated from operations                  82 175               67 541     
Net interest received                            4 007                4 823     
Taxation paid                                 (22 795)             (13 892)     
Distributions paid                            (36 867)             (32 685)     
Working capital changes                        (8 485)              (5 297)     
Cash flow from operating activities             18 035               20 490     
Cash flow from investing activities           (16 666)             (23 845)     
Cash flow from financing activities                  -             (31 375)     
Net movement in cash and cash                                                   
equivalents                                      1 369             (34 730)     
Adjustment for foreign exchange                                                 
fluctuations                                     (184)                  383     
Net cash and cash equivalents at                                                
beginning of the year                           39 703               74 050     
Net cash and cash equivalents at                                                
end of the year                                 40 888               39 703     
ABRIDGED SEGMENT REPORT                                                         
                                   Reviewed year ended     Audited restated     
30/06/2006           year ended     
Wholesale and distribution                      73 852              110 165     
Franchise - Spur                                86 548               73 494     
Franchise - Other                               19 435               14 278     
Corporate services                               2 857                2 695     
Group revenue                                  182 692              200 632     
OPERATING PROFIT                                                                
Wholesale and distribution                      27 432               23 034     
Franchise - Spur                                72 326               61 470     
Franchise - Other                                6 507                6 304     
Corporate services                            (28 824)             (24 708)     
Group operating profit                          77 441               66 100     
1. Shares in issue less shares repurchased by a wholly owned subsidiary company 
and share incentive company.                                                    
2. Trademarks - In accordance with IFRS 1 - First Time Adoption of              
International Financial Reporting Standards, Appendix B2(b), trademarks         
previously written off against reserves have been reinstated with a             
resultant increase in equity. In accordance with IAS 38 - Intangible Assets,    
trademarks have been assessed to have indefinite useful lives and               
accordingly have not been amortised, but are subject to an annual impairment    
3. Property, plant and equipment - In terms of IFRS 1, the group has elected to 
measure certain items of property, plant and equipment at the date of           
transition to IFRS at its fair value and use that fair value as its deemed      
cost at that date. This exemption was applied to land and buildings owned at    
the transition date while residual values of 50% were assigned to all the       
buildings. This has resulted in a lower depreciation charge on properties,      
and a reversal of accumulated depreciation.                                     
4. Deferred taxation - Deferred taxation has been adjusted to account for the   
effect of the IFRS adjustments set out in notes 2 and 3.                        
5. Foreign currency translation - IAS 21 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign    
Exchange Rates, requires the translation of foreign subsidiary companies with   
a different functional currency (i.e. other than Rand) than its parent to       
translate all their assets and liabilities at year end spot rates.              
Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are no longer recognised    
in the income statement, but are now recognised directly in a separate          
component of equity (foreign currency translation reserve or "FCTR").           
The group has elected the exemption available in IFRS 1, to set its FCTR        
to zero at the transition date i.e. 1 July 2004.                                
6. Share-based payments - IFRS 2 - Share-based Payments, requires that the      
fair value of equity settled share-based payments be determined at grant date   
and that the expense be charged to the income statement over the vesting        
period net of related taxes.                                                    
7. Deferred taxation - An adjustment was required to account for the taxation   
benefit derived from the Spur management share incentive scheme.                
The Spur Corporation Board of Directors has adopted International Financial     
Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the year ended 30 June 2006. The financial       
statements for the year ended 30 June 2006 will be the company"s first          
financial statements prepared in compliance with IFRS and hence IFRS 1 - First  
Time Adoption of IFRS has been applied in preparing these financial statements. 
The company has adopted all applicable IFRS issued or revised up to 30 June     
2006. These results have been reviewed by KPMG Inc., and their unqualified      
review opinion is available for inspection at the company"s registered office.  
In terms of IFRS 1, the group has restated its opening reserves and the         
consolidated balance sheet as at 1 July 2004 as well as the consolidated income 
statement and cash flow statement for the year ending 30 June 2005. For further 
details on this see notes 2 - 7.                                                
FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL REVIEW                                                
Spur Corporation has continued to capitalise on buoyant trading conditions to   
further entrench its position in the family sit-down restaurant market          
in South Africa. Financial performance was boosted by improved second half      
results, with the group experiencing a record number of restaurant openings and 
upgrades of existing restaurants.                                               
Restaurant turnover, which reflects in the franchise fee income received from   
franchisees, increased by 17.7% and passed the R2 billion mark for the first    
time. The turnover of existing restaurants, excluding new outlets opened during 
the year, was 10.7% higher than the previous year.                              
Group revenue declined by 8.9% to R182.7 million (2005: R200.6 million) as a    
result of the lower wholesale and distribution sales following the outsourcing  
of the national distribution of restaurant supplies from the group"s central    
kitchens to an independent distributor. The outsourcing of this function is     
already proving beneficial to the group and will have a positive effect on      
profitability and operating margins in the long term.                           
Operating profit grew by 17.2% to R77.4 million (2005: R66.1 million),          
benefiting from disciplined cost control and restaurant revenue growth.         
Headline earnings increased by 15.4% to R58.0 million (2005: R50.2 million).    
Headline earnings per share rose by 18.9% to 65.76 cents (2005: 55.32 cents)    
while diluted headline earnings per share increased by 17.7% to 65.10 cents     
(2005: 55.32 cents).                                                            
The group has grown its base to 321 outlets across its three brands locally and 
internationally following the addition of 34 restaurants during the financial   
year. These comprise 15 Spur Steak Ranches, 9 Panarottis Pizza Pasta and 10     
John Dory"s Fish & Grill outlets. Sixteen restaurants were revamped and this    
has resulted in strong revenue growth in all these businesses.                  
A summary of the restaurant base at 30 June 2006 is as follows:                 
Franchise brand                    South Africa     International     Total     
Spur Steak Ranches                          215                24       239     
Panarottis Pizza Pasta                       57                 8        65     
John Dory"s Fish & Grill                     17                 -        17     
Total                                       289                32       321     
Black economic empowerment remains a priority and Spur Corporation has          
facilitated funding of R30 million from the Industrial Development Corporation  
to finance black franchisees.                                                   
While the low interest rate environment has contributed to strong turnover      
growth in recent years, the interest rate increases in June and August,         
together with further anticipated hikes in the year ahead, are likely to result 
in a slowdown in discretionary consumer spending. This creates an opportunity   
for the group to make further market share gains across the three franchise     
brands as consumers become more price sensitive and value-for-money conscious.  
The continued expansion of our restaurant footprint will bolster revenue        
CAPITAL DISTRIBUTION                                                            
In accordance with a general authority given to the directors at the annual     
general meeting held on 2 December 2005, shareholders are advised that the      
board of directors of the company has declared a capital distribution of R22.0  
million payable to the company"s shareholders, in lieu of dividends, to be      
written off against the share premium account, which amount equates to 25 cents 
per ordinary share ("the distribution").                                        
The distribution will be paid on Monday, 9 October 2006, to those shareholders  
of the company who are recorded in the company"s register on Friday, 6 October  
2006 ("the record date").                                                       
The last day to trade (cum the distribution) in the company"s shares for        
purposes of entitlement to the distribution will be Friday, 29 September 2006.  
The shares will commence trading ex the distribution on Monday, 2 October 2006. 
Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Monday,  
2 October and Friday, 6 October 2006 both days inclusive.                       
For and on behalf of the Board                                                  
A Ambor (Executive Chairman)               P van Tonder (Managing Director)     
Cape Town                                                                       
13 September 2006                                                               
Directors: A Ambor (Executive Chairman), P van Tonder (Managing Director),      
M Farrelly, K Getz*, D Hyde*, P Joffe, K Madders* (British), J Rabb*,           
K Robertson Company secretary: R van Dijk (* non-executive)                     
Spur Corporation Limited (Registration number 1998/000828/06)                   
Share code: SUR                                                                 
ISIN: ZAE000022653                                                              
Registered Office                                                               
1 Waterford Mews, Century Boulevard, Century City, 7441                         
Transfer Secretaries                                                            
Computershare Investor Services 2004 (Pty) Ltd, 70 Marshall Street,             
Johannesburg, 2001                                                              
Sponsor: Sasfin Capital (A division of Sasfin Bank Ltd)                         
Spur Steak Ranches                                                              
John Dory"s Fish & Grill                                                        
Date: 14/09/2006 12:00:07 PM Produced by the JSE SENS Department                

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