Resignation of executive director
Spur Corporation Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1998/000828/06)
Share code: SUR
ISIN: ZAE 000022653
(“Spur Corporation” or “the group”)
Shareholders are advised that Mark Farrelly, the chief operating officer (“COO”)
and an executive director, has resigned from the group with effect from 31
August 2020.
Mark has been with the group for 30 years and was appointed as an executive
director in 1999. He was promoted to his current position of COO in 2012, with
responsibility for developing and implementing the group’s strategy in South
Spur Corporation chairman Mike Bosman said: “Mark plans to continue his
career outside the listed company environment and focus on managing his
restaurant and property interests, which include being the master franchisee for
Spur International in New Zealand where he owns the Spur restaurant in
“On behalf of the board I would like to thank Mark for his contribution to the group
over the past three decades and for his leadership of the South African business
through some particularly challenging times. We wish him continued success as
he pursues his entrepreneurial interests.”
Cape Town
31 August 2020
Sasfin Capital
A member of the Sasfin Group
Date: 31-08-2020 09:00:00
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