SPUR CORPORATION LIMITED - SUR : Finalisation announcement specific repurchases of Spur ordinary shares
11 October 2019 16:00
SUR : Finalisation announcement specific repurchases of Spur ordinary shares: 
 (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
 (Registration number 1998/000828/06)
 Share code: SUR
 ISIN: ZAE 000022653
 ("Spur" or "the company")


Spur shareholders ("Shareholders") are referred to the circular and notice of general meeting, dated 27
August 2019, and the results of general meeting announcement dated 25 September 2019, relating to,
inter alia, the Shareholders approval of the following:-

1.   the specific repurchase of 10 848 093 Spur shares, constituting 10% of the total issued share capital
     of Spur, from GPI Investments 1 (RF) Proprietary Limited, a related party, at a price of 2400 cents
     per share;
2.   the specific repurchase of 6 635 901 Spur shares, constituting 6.12% of the total issued share capital
     of Spur, held in treasury by Share Buy-back Proprietary Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Spur,
     at a price of 2191 cents per share, being the market value at 25 June 2019 (collectively "the
     Repurchases"); and
3.   the delisting and cancellation of such repurchased Spur shares ("Delisting").

 Spur is pleased to advise that all procedural and administrative conditions to the Repurchases have
 now been fulfilled and that the Repurchases are being implemented. Application will be made to the
 JSE Limited for the Delisting.

 The board of directors of Spur accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement
 and confirms that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, such information is true.

 11 October 2019

 Sasfin Capital

 Legal Advisor
 Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz


Date: 11/10/2019 04:00:00
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