SPUR CORPORATION LIMITED - Appointment of independent non-executive director
13 September 2013 10:00
SUR 201309130013A
Appointment of independent non-executive director

Spur Corporation – Appointment of independent non-executive director

Spur Corporation Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1998/000828/06)
Share code: SUR
ISIN: ZAE 000022653
(“Spur Corporation”)


Dineo Molefe has been appointed as an independent non-executive director of
Spur Corporation with effect from 11 September 2013.

A chartered accountant by profession, Ms Molefe is the group financial director of
Thebe Investment Corporation. Her previous experience includes holding
management positions at the Industrial Development Corporation, Eskom and
Thebe Stockbroking, before being appointed to her current position in 2010.

The board has nominated Ms Molefe to join the audit committee and will seek
approval on her appointment from shareholders at the forthcoming annual
general meeting.

Spur Corporation chairman Allen Ambor said: “Dineo has extensive financial and
senior management experience across a diverse range of business sectors. Her
appointment enhances the financial expertise at board level, strengthens the
independent non-executive component of our board and adds further diversity.
We look forward to benefiting from Dineo’s vast knowledge and independent
thinking in the years ahead.”

Cape Town
13 September 2013

Sasfin Capital
A division of Sasfin Bank Limited

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