SUR - Spur Corporation Limited - Appointment of lead independent director
2 March 2011 9:37
SUR - Spur Corporation Limited - Appointment of lead independent director       
SPUR CORPORATION LIMITED                                                        
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                                  
(Registration number 1998/000828/06)                                            
Share Code: SUR  ISIN: ZAE000022653                                             
("Spur" or "the company")                                                       
APPOINTMENT OF LEAD INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR                                        
The board of directors of Spur is pleased to announce that Mr Mntungwa Morojele,
a non-executive director of Spur, has been appointed as Lead Independent        
Director with effect from 1 March 2011 in terms of section 7.F.6 (c) of the     
JSE Limited Listings Requirements.                                              
The board is confident that Mr Morojele`s experience in commerce and as a       
director, professional competence and independent objectivity will stand him in 
good stead to fulfil the functions required of this role.                       
Cape Town                                                                       
2 March 2011                                                                    
SASFIN CAPITAL                                                                  
A Division of Sasfin Bank Limited                                               
Date: 02/03/2011 09:37:01 Produced by the JSE SENS Department.                  
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