SUR - Spur - Dealing in Securities by director of major subsidiary company
5 January 2011 16:35
SUR - Spur - Dealing in Securities by director of major subsidiary company      
SPUR CORPORATION LIMITED                                                        
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                                  
(Registration number 1998/000828/06)                                            
Share Code: SUR    ISIN: ZAE000022653                                           
Dealing in Securities by director of major subsidiary company                   
In terms of paragraphs 3.63 - 3.74 of the JSE Limited ("JSE") Listing           
Requirements, the following information is disclosed in respect of dealings in  
Spur ordinary shares by a director of Spur Group (Proprietary) Limited, a major 
subsidiary company of Spur:                                                     
Name                     : D Hyde                                               
Capacity                 : Non-executive director                               
Date of transaction      : 9 December 2010                                      
Class of shares          : Ordinary shares                                      
Number of shares         : 10 000                                               
Price per share                                                                 
(weighted average)       : R14.55 per share                                     
Value of transaction     : R145 500.00                                          
Highest Price            : R14.75                                               
Lowest Price             : R14.53                                               
Extent of interest       : Direct beneficial                                    
Nature of transaction    : Sale on open market                                  
Name                     : D Hyde                                               
Capacity                 : Non-executive director                               
Date of transaction      : 9 December 2010                                      
Class of shares          : Ordinary shares                                      
Number of shares         : 5 800                                                
Price per share          : R14.60 per share                                     
(weighted average)       :                                                      
Value of transaction     : R84 680.00                                           
Highest Price            : R14.75                                               
Lowest Price             : R14.53                                               
Extent of interest       : Direct beneficial                                    
Nature of transaction    : Sale on open market                                  
Clearance to deal was obtained in accordance with section 3.66 of the JSE       
Listings Requirements                                                           
Cape Town                                                                       
5 January 2011                                                                  
Sasfin Capital                                                                  
(A Division of Sasfin Bank Limited)                                             
Date: 05/01/2011 16:35:01 Produced by the JSE SENS Department.                  
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