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Date of Financial: Dec 2021Jun 2021Dec 2020Jun 2020
Financial Type: 612612
Publication Date: 21 Feb 202221 Feb 202221 Feb 202230 Nov 2020
Financial Type: InterimFinalInterimFinal
Amounts in: '000s'000s'000s'000s
Income statement
Turnover12 958 00025 709 00012 896 00020 878 000
Cost of Sales11 979 00023 744 00012 063 00019 907 000
Gross Profit979 0001 965 000833 000971 000
Operating Expenses800 0001 675 000735 0001 647 000
EBITDA (ProfileData Calc)625 0002 352 000296 000
Depreciation428 000923 000885 000
Operating Income215 000536 000280 000 -532 000
Profit Before Exceptional Items215 000536 000280 000 -532 000
Amortisation4 000
Exceptional Item 1 -29 000868 000365 000 -86 000
Profit Before Interest And Tax186 0001 404 000645 000 -618 000
Interest Received11 00019 00015 00032 000
Interest Paid136 000394 000192 000461 000
Net Interest Paid/(Received)125 000375 000177 000429 000
Income Before Tax61 0001 029 000468 000 -1 047 000
Taxation8 00041 00030 00069 000
Profit For The Period53 000988 000438 000 -1 116 000
Income Attributable To Minority Interests -2 0003 000
Attributable Income Before Extraordinary Items53 000990 000438 000 -1 119 000
Extraordinary Profit -291 000
Income Attributable To Equity Holders53 000990 000438 000 -1 119 000
Total Comprehensive Income/Loss for the period233 000723 000262 000 -798 000
Headline Earnings (Cont Ops)17 000751 000109 000 -950 000
Enterprise Value (EV)1 486 1601 376 547258 0001 831 780
Date of Financial: Dec 2021Jun 2021Dec 2020Jun 2020
Financial Type: 612612
Publication Date: 21 Feb 202221 Feb 202221 Feb 202230 Nov 2020
Financial Type: InterimFinalInterimFinal
Amounts in: '000s'000s'000s'000s
Balance sheet
Fixed Assets2 617 0002 463 0002 898 0003 180 000
Right-of-use Asset707 000337 000
Investments and Loans147 000287 000292 000294 000
Goodwill100 000100 000100 000100 000
Intangible Assets11 00011 00015 00015 000
Deferred Tax Asset781 000725 000737 000813 000
Other Assets38 00038 0001 000
Long-Term Receivables43 000
Total Fixed Assets4 401 0003 961 0004 042 0004 446 000
Stock1 141 000211 000212 000187 000
Debtors558 000327 0003 097 0002 889 000
Cash3 044 0002 519 0002 684 0001 755 000
Tax28 00037 00040 00041 000
Other Current Assets3 047 0003 401 0001 927 0009 000
Total Current Assets7 818 0006 495 0007 960 0004 881 000
Assets Held For Sale240 0001 989 0002 309 000
Total Assets12 459 00012 445 00012 002 00011 636 000
Ordinary Share Capital & Premium4 747 0004 747 0003 874 0003 874 000
Distributable Reserves -2 100 000 -2 153 000 -2 705 000 -3 143 000
Non-Distributable Reserves1 042 000847 000931 0001 102 000
Ordinary Shareholders' Interest3 689 0003 441 0002 100 0001 833 000
Minority Interest8 0007 0002 0007 000
Total Shareholders' Interest3 697 0003 448 0002 102 0001 840 000
Interest Bearing Loans356 000856 0001 577 0001 313 000
Deferred Tax Liability128 000152 000161 000166 000
Other Long-Term Liabilities1 323 000432 000469 000434 000
Total Long-Term Liabilities1 807 0001 440 0002 207 0001 913 000
Creditors and Provisions4 467 0003 507 0004 841 0004 054 000
Bank Overdrafts/Short-Term Loans737 000542 000975 0001 491 000
Other Current Liabilities1 666 0001 933 0001 877 000287 000
Total Current Liabilities6 870 0005 982 0007 693 0005 832 000
Liabilities Held For Sale85 0001 575 0002 051 000
Total Liabilities8 762 0008 997 0009 900 0009 796 000
Total Equity and Liabilities12 459 00012 445 00012 002 00011 636 000
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