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Date of Financial: Dec 2024Jun 2024Dec 2023Jun 2023
Financial Type: 612612
Publication Date: 17 Feb 202519 Aug 202419 Feb 202419 Feb 2024
Financial Type: InterimFinalInterimFinal
Amounts in: '000s'000s'000s'000s
Income statement
Turnover1 398 3443 055 3561 520 7772 405 427
Cost of Sales1 360 0312 879 7931 436 8292 366 588
Gross Profit38 313175 56383 94838 839
Operating Expenses69 417146 91371 337134 457
EBITDA (ProfileData Calc) -5 24826 933
EBITDA (company calc) -2 69444 512
Depreciation14 63213 941
Operating Income -31 01634 47815 511 -86 792
Profit Before Exceptional Items -31 01634 47815 511 -86 792
Exceptional Item 15 203 -7 305 -8 218681
Profit Before Interest And Tax -25 81327 1737 293 -86 111
Interest Received5 93311 5795 6996 638
Interest Paid12 30522 66912 47516 973
Net Interest Paid/(Received)6 37211 0906 77610 335
Income Before Tax -32 18516 083517 -96 446
Taxation504 -9 657 -281 -4 681
Profit For The Period -32 68925 740798 -91 765
Income Attributable To Minority Interests7 -81
Attributable Income Before Extraordinary Items -32 68925 733798 -91 684
Extraordinary Profit -56 -80 -12 -12 206
Income Attributable To Equity Holders -32 74525 653786 -103 971
Total Comprehensive Income/Loss for the period -25 81128 9271 491 -79 901
Headline Earnings (Cont Ops) -34 41337 97011 342 -77 739
Enterprise Value (EV) -45 403 -100 148 -88 616 -18 763
Date of Financial: Dec 2024Jun 2024Dec 2023Jun 2023
Financial Type: 612612
Publication Date: 17 Feb 202519 Aug 202419 Feb 202419 Feb 2024
Financial Type: InterimFinalInterimFinal
Amounts in: '000s'000s'000s'000s
Balance sheet
Fixed Assets234 591235 688240 351236 556
Right-of-use Asset50 60958 53449 30038 946
Investments and Loans11 65811 37611 319
Goodwill7 9297 9297 9297 929
Deferred Tax Asset122 064105 27485 19580 164
Other Assets2 05426 29331 90633 486
Total Fixed Assets417 247445 376426 057408 400
Stock20 26920 53920 39720 875
Debtors26 87130 49833 10734 073
Cash256 120227 678250 024189 667
Tax2 164
Other Current Assets358 868538 580410 728428 866
Total Current Assets662 128817 295714 256675 645
Assets Held For Sale4 683
Total Assets1 079 3751 262 6711 140 3131 088 728
Ordinary Share Capital & Premium547 163546 930546 442544 665
Distributable Reserves653 402686 275661 389660 622
Non-Distributable Reserves -944 860 -951 542 -954 990 -954 268
Ordinary Shareholders' Interest255 705281 663252 841251 019
Minority Interest442295322317
Total Shareholders' Interest256 147281 958253 163251 336
Interest Bearing Loans40 55734 93641 77740 161
Deferred Tax Liability35 24323 83416 92117 390
Other Long-Term Liabilities86 383116 568120 866110 519
Total Long-Term Liabilities162 183175 338179 564168 070
Creditors and Provisions333 998500 523415 786409 240
Tax1 5955 7213 400
Bank Overdrafts/Short-Term Loans28 07619 09030 33741 108
Other Current Liabilities297 376280 041258 063218 974
Total Current Liabilities661 045805 375707 586669 322
Total Liabilities823 228980 713887 150837 392
Total Equity and Liabilities1 079 3751 262 6711 140 3131 088 728
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