The Interactive Performance tool lets you view specific share statistics over different periods.

To start, select a 'From' and 'To' date, then click 'Submit'.


  19 February 2024 to 18 February 2025
Market value per share (ZARc)
     - at period-end 915
     - highest 1 316
     - lowest 892
     - volume weighted average price 1 085
Earnings yield (%) 17.10
Dividend yield (%) 7.70
Average EY for period (%) 15.22
Average P/E ratio for period 6.60
Market capitalisation at closing prices (Rm) 9 540 *
Price earnings ratio at period end 5.80
Value of shares traded (Rm) 3 061.6
Number of shares traded (million) 282.1
Average price per share traded (ZARc) 1 114
Percentage of market capitalisation traded (%) 32.1
Liquidity (%) 26.9
Weekly rand (Rm) value traded 58

* Market cap based on shares in issue as at 19 Feb 2025