The Interactive Performance tool lets you view specific share statistics over different periods.

To start, select a 'From' and 'To' date, then click 'Submit'.


  25 March 2024 to 25 March 2025
Market value per share (ZARc)
     - at period-end 851
     - highest 928
     - lowest 498
     - volume weighted average price 734
Earnings yield (%) 7.30
Dividend yield (%) 1.50
Average EY for period (%) 8.23
Average P/E ratio for period 0.00
Market capitalisation at closing prices (Rm) 11422 *
Price earnings ratio at period end 13.70
Value of shares traded (Rm) 2957.9
Number of shares traded (million) 402.9
Average price per share traded (ZARc) 712
Percentage of market capitalisation traded (%) 25.9
Liquidity (%) 29.8
Weekly rand (Rm) value traded 56

* Market cap based on shares in issue as at 25 Mar 2025