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14 Oct 2024 Passing of chairman
09 Oct 2024 Cherrylane Shopping Centre disposal
09 Oct 2024 CAT 1 and related publication delay
19 Sep 2024 APFE - Notification of a Change to the Credit Rating of the Issuer and the Senior Secured Notes
10 Sep 2024 APF20 - Listing of New Financial Instrument
09 Sep 2024 Results of annual general meeting
04 Sep 2024 Change in beneficial interest
04 Sep 2024 Dealing in securities
04 Sep 2024 Change in beneficial interest
04 Sep 2024 Dealing in securities
28 Aug 2024 APF16 - Notification of an Amended and Restated Pricing Supplement and Correction Announcement
26 Aug 2024 APF16 APF19 - Interest and Capital Payment Notifications
20 Aug 2024 Agreement and potential disposal
19 Aug 2024 B-BBEE compliance report
06 Aug 2024 APF16 - Notification of an Amended and Restated APS and Correction Announcement
31 Jul 2024 Integrated report, AFS and AGM
31 Jul 2024 APF16 APF18 - Interest and Capital Payment Notifications
26 Jul 2024 Retirement of director
19 Jul 2024 APFE - Financial Covenants Notification
19 Jul 2024 Audited Condensed Annual Results For The Year Ended 31 March 2024
16 Jul 2024 Delay in results publication
16 Jul 2024 Late submission of AFS
09 Jul 2024 Delay in publication of results
08 Jul 2024 Settlement agreement and transaction
08 Jul 2024 Cherrylane Centre disposal update
Data supplied by ProfileData